New Resource on Supporting Farmers to Reduce Emissions

On 12 January, ‘Plough Sunday’ was celebrated in UK churches with strong agricultural links – a day which recognises the vital role that farmers play in the lives of rural communities and in providing food. However, newer, more sustainable farming methods actually reduce the need for ploughing. 

Recognising the role that Church-owned land can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and storing carbon, Operation Noah has released a new resource called Supporting Farmers to Reduce Emissions which outlines how Churches and Christians can support farmers to farm sustainably. 

Replenish The Earth: Restoring Soil Carbon at Blaston Farm

One of Operation Noah’s main campaign areas involves working to see Church and Christian land being managed more responsibly for the benefit of climate, nature and people. In this interview, Christian landowner and former investment banker Hylton Murray-Philipson talks about his environmental motivation, his work in the Amazon rainforest and how transforming his Leicestershire farm using regenerative principles allows him to sell soil carbon certificates to buyers including Mercedes-Benz F1.

Launching New Guidance for Churches to Protect our Peatlands

Operation Noah has released a new resource which outlines how churches and Christian landowners can protect peat, locally, at landscape scale and through their investments. Peatland is a huge carbon store globally, but when it is degraded it turns from a carbon sink to a source of greenhouse gas emissions. 

Growing Trees Resource

As churches around the world reflect, pray and take action to protect our common home as part of the Season of Creation, now is a great time to think about Growing Trees for the Climate – and we’ve released a new resource to help you get started on your tree-growing journey.

Strengthened Land and Nature Motion Passes Overwhelmingly at General Synod

We’re pleased to share the news that the amended Land and Nature motion passed close to unanimously at the Church of England General Synod on Saturday 24 February. The motion recognises and builds on the work being done in many parishes and dioceses to protect and value nature, and it aims to raise ambition more […]

Good News about Biodiversity, and Next Steps for the Church

It’s good to celebrate a positive news story coming out of the Church of England, and there are some inspiring examples of local churches, ground-breaking dioceses and farming tenants leading the way in supporting the wonders of God’s creation in all its biodiversity.  The upcoming Land and Nature motion at Church of England General Synod […]

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