The Green Investment Declaration is an initiative developed by Operation Noah and JustMoney Movement to support Churches and other faith institutions across the globe to increase their investments in climate solutions and lead the way in building a greener future.
Making your money work for God's creation
Money has power. And that power can either be harnessed for good or used to fuel harm. We might think carefully about how we manage our personal money – perhaps through giving to charitable causes, buying fairtrade, or using an ethical bank – but how often do we review the impact of our churches’ and faith institutions’ money? And when we do, how do we go about making this money work for the benefit of God’s creation?
By signing up to the Green Investment Declaration, your church or organisation is not just having a direct impact through your investments but, through speaking publicly about it, you’re also creating ripples throughout wider church and society encouraging others to do likewise. Together we can play our part in the restoration of Creation, starting with our finances.
Find out more
We have partnered with FaithInvest, an international, not-for-profit network serving religious groups and faith-based institutional investors, to deliver the Green Investment Declaration.
For more information and to register your interest visit the Green Investment Declaration website: