
News, Resource
7 February 2025
We have an exciting new resource coming soon that we want to let you know about in time for Lent 2025. 'Where Your Treasure Is' is a five-week course from Operation Noah exploring how we can use our money to tackle the climate crisis. Each week includes a reflection and discussion questions, a prayer and suggested actions. The course will address the following questions and topics:
24 January 2025
As Donald Trump is sworn in as US President, many are rightly concerned about what his return will mean for efforts to limit global heating. Trump has promised to slash US environmental regulations, cut funding for renewable energy projects and increase fossil fuel production. Shortly after his inauguration, Trump pulled the US out of the Paris climate agreement – all while wildfires, supercharged by fossil fuel emissions, were still burning across Los Angeles.
22 January 2025
John Evans – an executive coach who joined Operation Noah’s Board of Trustees in 2024 – shares why he decided to join our charity and campaign for climate action. 
Article, Resource
13 January 2025
On 12 January, ‘Plough Sunday’ was celebrated in UK churches with strong agricultural links – a day which recognises the vital role that farmers play in the lives of rural communities and in providing food. However, newer, more sustainable farming methods actually reduce the need for ploughing. Recognising the role that Church-owned land can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and storing carbon, Operation Noah has released a new resource called Supporting Farmers to Reduce Emissions which outlines how Churches and Christians can support farmers to farm sustainably. 
31 December 2024
Have you considered any diet or lifestyle changes as we start 2025? As well as health and budgetary reasons, there are changes we can make that are good for the climate although we need to bear in mind the big picture too.
20 December 2024
For our final newsletter of 2024 – a year in which we celebrated two decades of inspiring the Church to take action on the climate crisis – we thought it would be appropriate to compile 20 highlights from our 20 years of climate campaigning: 10 from our entire history, 10 from 2024. 
Article, News
29 November 2024
Around 150 people attended Operation Noah’s 20 Year Anniversary Service at St John’s Waterloo in Central London on the evening of Monday 18 October. The cold and rain didn’t dampen a celebratory and inspiring event, which included an introduction and welcome from the vicar of St John’s Waterloo, Revd Giles Goddard – a former Operation Noah trustee – and prayers and scripture readings from a variety of current and former Operation Noah trustees and staff members, including the author and economist Ann Pettifor who is associated with a number of significant social and environmental movements, including the Green New Deal.
Briefing, Resource
28 November 2024
Climate solutions are a wide range of technologies and practices which contribute to significant reduction and prevention of human-caused greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. While most climate solutions focus on reducing or preventing emissions, some also include measures to help adapt to our changing climate, such as climate-adjusted agricultural practices or flood defences. It is important climate solutions are proven, scalable, safe and equitable.
27 November 2024
One of Operation Noah’s main campaign areas involves working to see Church and Christian land being managed more responsibly for the benefit of climate, nature and people. In this interview, Christian landowner and former investment banker Hylton Murray-Philipson talks about his environmental motivation, his work in the Amazon rainforest and how transforming his Leicestershire farm using regenerative principles allows him to sell soil carbon certificates to buyers including Mercedes-Benz F1.
Article, News, Resource
25 November 2024
At the end of the story of Noah’s flood, we’re told about God setting his bow in the clouds: the rainbow, a sign of promise. From now on the world will be stable; there will no more be a catastrophe that wipes out the human race. That promise of God is a promise that when we look at the world we inhabit, we look at a world that is a sign of faithfulness. As time passes, things change, and yet we live in a world that we can understand, that we can depend on, a world that provides us with regular nourishment: The rain comes down and the crops grow up.
News, Press Release
12 November 2024
Today, 27 faith institutions announced their divestment from fossil fuel companies, sending a strong signal to negotiators at the UN climate summit in Azerbaijan that fossil fuels are morally unacceptable, given the negative climate, biodiversity and human rights impacts of extracting, transporting and burning fossil fuels. 
Action, News
8 November 2024
Now is an exciting moment for the Climate and Nature Bill (CAN), a proposed law that would be the first piece of UK legislation to fully address the climate and nature crises in line with the most up-to-date science. Thanks to MP Roz Savage, the bill is now going through Parliament but it needs our help.
News, Resource
30 October 2024
Operation Noah has released a new resource which outlines how churches and Christian landowners can protect peat, locally, at landscape scale and through their investments. Peatland is a huge carbon store globally, but when it is degraded it turns from a carbon sink to a source of greenhouse gas emissions. 
Article, News
21 October 2024
We’re thrilled to announce that we are now more than halfway to meeting our £20,000 Anniversary Appeal target. We’ve raised nearly £11,000 so far – will you help us get to £20,000 by the end of the year? You can donate to our appeal here to support our vital work. Also, did you know that individual churches can support our work with a monthly or yearly donation?
Article, News
8 October 2024
I was thrilled to join Operation Noah supporters at All Saints Ascot on Sunday to celebrate their Climate Sunday and Harvest Festival service – which included dedicating and planting a new crab apple tree in their churchyard in honour of Operation Noah’s 20 year anniversary.
Book Review
7 October 2024
In his latest book, Brian McLaren considers a range of issues that all pose significant threats to the future of existence as we know it – from increasing inequality and the rise of extremist politics to the climate and biodiversity crises. He does not hold back on outlining the scenarios that he sees as possible outcomes in the medium to long term and none of them are comfortable.
30 September 2024
As September comes to a close, we look forward to two important events: our 3 October Green Investment Declaration webinar at 3pm and our 18 November Anniversary Service at St John’s Waterloo featuring Rowan Williams. We also invite you to download our new tree-growing resource, discuss the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and highlight some of the important environmental news from the past month.
We email a monthly newsletter to our supporters that includes environmental news, campaign opportunities and ways for churches to engage with the climate and nature crises.
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