We’re More Than Halfway to Meeting our Fundraising Goal: Can You Get us to £20,000?
We’re thrilled to announce that we are now more than halfway to meeting our £20,000 Anniversary Appeal target. We’ve raised nearly £11,000 so far – will you help us get to £20,000 by the end of the year? You can donate to our appeal here to support our vital work.

An Opportunity for Your Church to Fund Faith-Based Climate Campaigning
As we celebrate 20 years of inspiring the Church to take action on the climate crisis, we’re inviting our supporters both to make a donation and, if you’re a churchgoer, to ask your church to consider making a gift as well. Operation Noah only exists thanks to many generous donations from individuals, faith groups and charitable foundations. However, some may not realise that individual churches can support our work with a monthly or yearly donation.
A number of churches have very generously supported our work in recent months, including St Luke’s Church, Hedge End (Southampton); St Frideswide’s Church, Water Eaton (Milton Keynes); All Saints Church, King’s Heath (Birmingham); All Saints Church, Ascot; and the Parish of St Matthew & St Oswald’s (Rugby).
If your church does not support a national environmental charity as part of its commitment to caring for creation, might it consider doing so as an extension of its outreach giving? Or if your church is working towards an Eco Church award, did you know that financially supporting an environmental charity is one of the criteria of the ‘Community and Global Engagement’ portion of the scheme? We would be so thankful if, in commemoration of our 20 Year Anniversary, your church decided to make a one-time or ongoing monthly financial gift to Operation Noah.
As a charity, we have helped move hundreds of millions of pounds out of fossil fuels, inspired thousands of churches to hold ‘Climate Sunday’ services, produced a popular climate-themed Bible study series, and are now working with faith groups and national churches to scale up investment in climate solutions alongside making better use of church land. In recognition of our successful work on fossil fuel divestment, we even won ‘Campaign of the Year’ at the SMK National Campaigner Awards earlier this year – a huge honour, especially for a small faith-based charity.
Your ongoing financial support makes this kind of impact possible, and shows that the Church can inspire society-wide environmental change.
The Operation Noah Team
PS: Have you booked your free ticket to our 18 November Anniversary Service at St John’s Waterloo in London featuring Rowan Williams? If not, you can do so now by clicking here; and if you can’t make it to the service, would you consider donating to our Anniversary Appeal?